When Someone Dies
Where the Death Occurred
If death occurs at home, the deceased’s G.P. or an out of hours on-call Doctor will attend to confirm death after which a medical certificate stating the cause of death can be issued, this certificate is used to register the death at the local registrars office. A registration form will be completed allowing for burial or cremation to take place. If cremation is preferred the doctor needs to be informed in order that he can fill in the relevant forms. We will arrange for a second doctor to complete the paperwork, the next of kin/informant will also be required to fill in a separate section. After the doctor has confirmed death we can visit to remove the deceased to our funeral home and then gently discuss arrangements relevant to the required funeral.
At Hospital, Hospice or Nursing Home
Once you have informed us that a doctor has confirmed death, we shall contact the nursing staff and arrange to bring your loved one to our funeral home and arrange a suitable time to meet with you to discuss arrangements relevant to the required funeral.
Death Abroad
Should the death occur abroad, all aspects of the arrangements required to return your loved one home and also arrangements for the funeral will be handled by our repatriation manager, who will liaise with the funeral director in the country where the death occurred and if required, the British Consular Office and any relevant insurance companies and airlines.
Related Information
All enquiries are welcome, 24 hours a day, either in person, at our premises,or by calling
028 9260 7367